Our Community
Our Parish is the Parish of the Good Shepherd and our Priest is Fr Míċeál Beatty.
Click HERE for the Parish details.
We are part of the Arundel and Brighton Diocese and our Bishop is Bishop Richard Moth.
At St Mary Star of the Sea Primary School, we are privileged to have such a special bond with The parish of the Good Shepherd, our school parish.
From class visits to regular celebrations in the church, we work as a community to nurture the spiritual lives of our children.
It is a priority as a Catholic school to foster an understanding of the faith, which is why we teach our children how to worship in a formal setting from a young age.
All classes from year 1-6 take it in turns to attend a weekly Mass where they recognise the importance of respect and reverence and what is expected of them in a church setting. We encourage the children to take part in singing, prayer and communion when they join us in celebration.
We often visit the church to learn more about the Stations of the Cross or to help our children prepare for celebrations. Our year 6 children lead us in a beautiful Mass.
Our Mission
Live, love and learn in God’s Name
Our mission at St Mary Star of the Sea Catholic Primary School is underpinned by the Gospel Values.
We LIVE the Gospel Values and shine our light for others around the world.
We LOVE each other as Jesus does and celebrate our unique and diverse school community.
We LEARN to follow spiritually in Jesus’ footsteps and know that he guides us in all we do.
Mission Statement
The FGB and Staff of this school have agreed that the fundamental purpose of our school is to create a Catholic environment where religion is not merely a subject to be taught but one which also provides an atmosphere of loving concern in which the truths of Christianity can be experienced.
To achieve this we will: -
Develop our care for each other, valuing all community members equally through support, help and praise so that we can recognise, understand and lovingly accept each others’ beliefs, strengths and weaknesses.
Develop prayer, worship and liturgy so that our school community can understand, live and spread the word of God.
Develop the curriculum in a Christ-centred way so that learning is integrated with the personal and spiritual development of each child.
Develop links with parents, FGB, LA, Diocese and our wider community to enable children to reach their full potential and take their place in society.
Develop our school environment so that it is welcoming, motivating and well managed.