What is Pupil Premium?
Introduced in April 2011, Pupil Premium is money allocated to schools to support pupils from the following groups, who are potentially vulnerable to underachievement:
Pupils in Local Authority care (LAC)
Pupils who are in receipt of free school meals (FSM)
Pupils who have been in receipt of free school meals at any time in the last six years (‘Ever 6’)
Pupils whose parents are currently in the armed forces.
The number of pupils who receive funding is determined by the count at the school census. The school does not receive funding for a pupil until the following year if they arrive after the school census.
Pupil Premium Strategy Report 2022-2025
Pupil Premium Strategy Reports - Pre 2022
How is Pupil Premium Spending Decided at Our School?
It is the role of the Governing Body in conjunction with the Headteacher to decide how Pupil Premium funding is used. Schools are accountable for the use of the funding and must be able to demonstrate the impact its use has on educational achievement.
Our aim at St Mary Star of the Sea Catholic Primary School is to continue to use Pupil Premium to ensure the very best educational opportunities for all pupils in receipt of free school meals or ‘Ever 6’.
‘Every Child has the right to become the best he or she can be’
Article 29 of the UN Convention for the Rights of the Child