Phonics and Early Reading @ SMSS
Here at St Mary Star of the Sea, we believe reading is so important and we strive to be a school where children 'Learn to read and read to learn'. The foundation for this is the teaching of phonics and to ensure we do this effectively, we have chosen to follow the 'Little Wandle: Revised Letters and Sounds' Phonics Programme.
It is clear that engaging parents with their child’s phonics learning is key to their success and those children who supported at home to embed the things they have learnt in school are much more likely to confident fluent readers. With this in mind we have created this space to provide you with all the necessary information to support your child with what they will be learning in school.
More information about the Little Wandle Programme can also be found at This webpage also provides you with information and guides in how you can support your child in the nlearning of phonics.
Parent Resources
Below are resources that will that provide an overview as well as specific information about the phonics that your child will be learning here at St Mary's:
Phonics Workshop
Please find resources that were handed out during the Phonics Workshop below: