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Welcome to Our Year 2 Class Page

Year 2

Mrs Thornton is your class teacher.


Prayer, Worship and Teaching Religious Education

Please click HERE to find out more about how our Catholic ethos and teachings are at the heart of all we do. 

Year 2(1)

Each school year comes with new experiences and challenges. Moving into Year 2 is carefully planned, to ensure a smooth transition. The gradual promotion of increased independence ensures that children are socially, emotionally and academically ready for the year ahead. Enquiry based learning following the National Curriculum ensures that children take ownership of their own education to guarantee a broad and balanced understanding. Above all else, a love of reading is encouraged as it underpins all other learning. 

Click on the image below to see the curriclum overview for Year 2. At the start of every term we will also add a detailed newsletter which will explain what is happening in the classroom that term. 

images (2)

Please find below the Year 2 class newsletter for Term 1.

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