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Welcome to our Reception Class Page

Mrs De Oliveira is your class teacher

Prayer, Worship and Teaching Religious Education

Please click HERE to find out more about how our Catholic ethos and teachings are at the heart of all we do. 

The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Curriculum

All areas of the EYFS curriculum are followed and planned for to ensure there is a broad, balanced and progressive learning environment and curriculum.  The children will learn new skills, acquire new knowledge and demonstrate understanding through the seven areas in the EYFS curriculum: 

  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development
  • Physical Development
  • Communication and Language
  • Literacy
  • Mathematics
  • Understanding the World
  • Expressive Arts and Design 

These 7 areas are used to plan children’s learning and activities. Planning for this curriculum is designed to be flexible so that a child’s unique needs and interests are supported.

Daily guided activities are set up and planned that cover different areas of the EYFS curriculum and allow children to develop their next steps in learning.  Areas of need and next steps are identified for all children to ensure good progress is made.  There are also a range of stimulating and engaging activities which the children can access independently and a variety of opportunities for child-initiated learning.  In planning and guiding children’s activities, we reflect on the different ways that children learn and reflect these in our practice.

Click HERE to read our Early Years Policy.


Please find below the Reception class newsletter for Term 6

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