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Welcome to Our Year 5 Class Page

Mrs Thomson is your class teacher.


Prayer, Worship and Teaching Religious Education

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Year 5 Curriculum

Welcome to Year 5 (Upper KS2). 

In Year 5, we try to develop our pupil’s independence in all aspects of learning. Year 5 classroom environments both support and enrich the learning of all children. The environment illustrates our school’s values. As well as being vibrant and welcoming, Year 5 classroom environment is a learning resource, the second teacher, a way of engaging children and building the class community. Our displays, help children create a sense of ownership and be used to support and promote learning, as well as celebrating children’s work. Within classrooms, working walls for key subjects focus on current learning reinforcing, with visual reminders, key aspects and vocabulary.   

In Year 5, we believe that a well-organised and stimulating environment has a direct impact on the quality of teaching and learning. We teach an exciting and responsive curriculum for all pupils. We provide consistent expectations for all pupils in order to support them, whilst challenging them to give their very best. In addition, we continue to develop a mind-set that grows by facing challenge, making mistakes, cooperation and curiosity and through discussion, books and physical activities.   

Much of our learning is accessible at home, through Google Chrome, My Maths, Times Table Rocks Stars, MyOn and Purple Mash which that can be used as part of homework or just to continue the fun at home. 

Click on the image below to see the curriculum overview for Year 5. At the start of every term we will also add a detailed newsletter which will explain what is happening in the classroom that term. 

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Please find below the Year 5 class newsletter for Term 3.

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