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Welcome to Our Year 4 Class Page

Mrs Sutton is your class teacher.

Prayer, Worship and Teaching religious Education

Please click HERE to find out more about how our Catholic ethos and teachings are at the heart of all we do. 

Year 4 Curriculum

Welcome to Year 4! It is in Year 4 that independent thinking is really nurtured which in turn helps develop confidence and self-esteem.  Children are encouraged to think for themselves and explore more fully where their personal learning journeys can take them when they take ownership and make the right decisions.  This means adopting a greater degree of responsibility for their learning as they seek out their own solutions, developing communication skills and working in teams, listening to others and having their individual ideas respected and valued.  We work hard and take pride in our all we do! 

Click on the image below to see the curriculum overview for Year 3. At the start of every term we will also add a detailed newsletter which will explain what is happening in the classroom that term. 

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Please find below the Year 4 class newsletter for Term 3.

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