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Information for Prospective Parents

Please click on the image below to download our current prospectus.


Additional Documents Required

If you wish to apply for a place in Reception Class at our School and you would like your religious practice taken into account, you will be required to provide the following documentation:


 Copy of your child’s BAPTISMAL CERTIFICATE,

 Any other important information you wish the Governors to consider.

NOTE: Parents with a child/children already on roll at the school are still required to apply for a place for their younger child and submit supporting evidence, as specified above, as places are not allocated to siblings automatically.

IMPORTANT: All supporting evidence must be submitted directly to the School Admissions Officer. 

If you require any further information please contact Miss Louise Basson, the School Admissions Officer via the school office.

Thank you and we hope to hear from you soon. 

For information regarding our Opens Days, please click on the link below


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