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Welcome to Our Year 3 Class Page

Year 3 Curriculum

Mrs Webb is your class teacher.

Prayer, Worship and Religious Education

Please click HERE to find out more about how our Catholic ethos and teachings are at the heart of all we do. 

Y3 Prayer (2)

Welcome to Year 3, in Year 3 we have made the move to Key Stage 2, it is one of the biggest jumps our pupils make on their primary school journey. Here in Year 3 we try to develop our pupil’s independence in all aspects of learning. We teach an exciting and responsive curriculum for all pupils.

Year 3 is the first year that pupils can develop their catholicity and faith by taking their first holy communion at church. If you would like to know more, please contact your local church. 

In Year 3 the pupils swim all year round, we have found that regular and continuous swimming at the start of the key stage increases their chance of being able to swim 25m unaided by the time they leave primary school at the end of year 6.

We spend a lot of time learning with manipulatives in most subjects, especially in mathematics and science. We continue to develop a mind-set that grows by facing challenge, making mistakes, cooperation and curiosity and through discussion, books and physical activities.

Much of our learning is accessible at home, through Google Chrome, My Maths, Times Table Rocks Stars, MyOn and Purple Mash which that can be used as part of homework or just to continue the fun at home.

Click on the image below to see the curriculum overview for Year 3. At the start of every term we will also add a detailed newsletter which will explain what is happening in the classroom that term. 

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Please find below the Year 3 class newsletter for Term 3.

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