Online Safety @ SMSS

We now have a dedicated email address where parents and carers can contact us if you have any concerns, worries or need support regarding e-safety matters relating to your child/ren's online activity:
Contact us on:
We will be happy to help you!
Welcome to our online safety support page!
Here at St Mary Star of the Sea Catholic Primary School, we take E-Safety very seriously. Children learn about keeping safe online during their Computing lessons and across the curriculum. We take part Safer Internet Day every year, as well as welcoming visitors such as Google to our school to share their tips on e-safety. We are proud that our School Council members play an active role in delivering the message of e-safety procedures to their peers, as well as providing a valuable pupil voice on internet related issues that matter to them.
This page is currently under construction. Please keep checking back for videos, links and more!
Safer Internet Day
Safer Internet Day is a nation wide event that schools are taking part in to promote keeping safe when using the internet.
Teachers will be setting work around this theme so please check your remotel learning pages/google classroom. Examples of your fantastic work will be displayed here and at school soon!
Spend some time looking at this very useful article for parents about discussing fake news with your child here
Take a look at some examples of the amazing work we have done about keeping safe online!
Useful Links for Parents
The links below offer support and advice on a wide range of e-safety and internet matters:
Useful Links for Children
Smartie the Penguin - A video about helping your friends online.
Interland - A game from Google that promotes a range of e-safety practices
On the Internet - a reading book for EYFS children