Teaching of Religious Education
Come and See
A programme that we teach throughout the school and is taught over the whole of the Arundel and Brighton diocese.
“Come and See” is an invitation and a promise of life for everyone. The invitation is open to all. In response to the question ‘Where do you live?’, Jesus invited the disciples to ‘Come and See.’ They went with Jesus ‘and spent the rest of that day with him.’
We recognise that all children are at different stages in their journey of faith; for some children RE is catechesis and part of their formation in the faith. Those who receive the invitation to ‘Come and see’ may also offer it to others. In the same invitation we remember that for some of our children RE will be evangelisation, the first opportunity to hear the good news.
Religious Education is a core subject of the curriculum for Catholic Schools and as such teaching and learning in RE makes up 10% of curriculum time.
What pupils learn
Each term pupils study three topics, each lasting four weeks and following a common theme across the school. As the children move through the school this theme is developed further, appropriate to the pupils age and stage of learning.
Each year group approaches the theme through a different topic eg Domestic Church theme Autumn Term topic 1
Early Years – Myself
Year 1 – Families
Year 2 – Beginnings
Year 3 – Homes
Year 4 – People
Year 5 – Ourselves
Year 6 – Loving
Autumn term theme of Belonging (topic 2):
Early Years children will be learning about Baptism as being welcomed to God’s family, in their “Welcome” topic.
Years 1, 2 and 3 further develop their understanding of Baptism, including Signs and Symbols (Year 2) and Promises (Year 3), whilst in their “Community” topic Year 4 move on to learn about Confirmation.
Year 5 learn about the commitment of Marriage in their Life Choices topic and Year 6 learn about the vocation to priesthood and religious life in their “Vocation and commitment” topic. Scripture is at the heart of each topic.
The termly themes are as follows:
The three autumn themes are developed in the light of an understanding of Creation.
- Family - Domestic church;
- Belonging - Baptism/Confirmation/Marriage/Vocation;
- Loving - Advent/Christmas.
The three spring themes are developed in the light of an understanding of Incarnation
- Community - Local church;
- Relating - Eucharist;
- Giving - Lent/Easter.
The three summer themes are developed in the light of an understanding of Redemption and the work of the Holy Spirit
- Serving - Pentecost;
- Inter-relating - Reconciliation;
- World - Universal Church.
Each four-weekly topic is broken into 3 aspects:
- Introduces the topic;
- The children’s life experience is explored;
- The questions raised are wondered at, shared, investigated and their significance reflected upon;
- Focus on AT2 Reflection on meaning.
- Heart of the programme;
- Knowledge and understanding of the Catholic faith revealed through Scripture, Tradition, doctrine, prayers, rites and Christian living;
- Focus on AT1 Knowledge and Understanding & AT2 Reflection on Meaning.
- Learning is remembered, celebrated and responded to in daily life;
- Prayer;
- Prayer and celebration are integral to Come and See;
- Opportunities for reflection are present within Explore, Reveal and Respond;
- Traditional prayers are introduced in the different Key Stages;
- Prayer styles: children are introduced to a range throughout the scheme.
Children all have a special “Come and See” book in which their RE learning is both treasured and shows high expectations for learning. In addition, Key Stage 2 children have their own prayer journals.
We teach other faiths as it prepares the pupils in our school for life in modern Britain, giving them an understanding of the beliefs of others. This in turn will improve social cohesion and contribute to the common good by increasing mutual respect between those of different religions.
Judiaism is taught in the Autumn Term and Islam in the Summer Term. Come and See materials for Other Faiths include background information, resources and teaching materials for two weeks for Early Years to Year 6, following the Look, Discover and Respect themes.
How can you help?
- Parents’ termly letter gives overview of topics and suggestions for discussion with children; (download the Come and See newsletter here)
- Homework tasks;
- Come and celebrate Masses and collective worship with us.